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Good day Parents/Guardians,

Please send all outstanding raffle tickets and funds back to school today (sold or not sold) the deadline has passed.  This is an urgent matter because you will be responsible for all tickets and/or funds that have not been returned.



Raffle tickets and funds due TODAY!




  • Return tickets/funds in a Ziploc bag/envelope with your child's name and classroom.


  • Be sure to enclose the correct amount of money.  



If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at

Kind Regards,

Somerset Primary PTA



Sent on behalf of the Somerset Primary School Executive Committee


President:            Lenny Burgess

Vice President:    Kristy Azofeifa 

Secretary:           Lisa McIntosh        



Pembroke Rotary Raffle Info


Good Day Parents and Guardians, 


In case you missed our last General Meeting, we would like to inform you that we are supporting the Pembroke Rotary Raffle this year. 


The challenge is on: the more tickets we sell the bigger the donation the school will get.  On our side, the student who sells the most will get a prize as well as the classroom that sells the most gets a pizza party. Tickets are only $5 and the prizes are amazing! Check them out on our Facebook page. 


Pleas feel free to contact us if you have any questions and thanks for your support. 


Kind Regards,



Somerset Primary School PTA Committee 


Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events today.

PTA Membership

PTA Member

The winners from last night’s PTA are:


  1. Jumaane Davis – P3
  2. Fredrica Evans – (Riley P2)
  3. Cruz Harvey P6
  4. Jai White P6
  5. Alaya Simmons P2

Please collect your gift certificate from the office. 

Thank you and congratulations to all the winners.



Thursday is the last day of school and Pajama Day.

Chrome books will be kept for maintenance

Access school Clothing will be placed out on the benches for you to take if needed


Wishing you all a wonderful and safe holiday.



Client Director - Trust Services


PTA Meeting - 23rd November, 2021


Agenda - 23Nov21



Follow us on Facebook
PTA Executive - 2021-2022


President Leonard Burgess
Vice President Kristy Azofeifa-Villalobos
Secretary Fredrica Evans
Assistant Secretary         
Treasurer Hana Bremar
Assistant Treasurer Kelly Massa
Public Relations Corinne Franklin
P1 - Parent Rep Alexis Smith
 P2 - Parent Rep

Tseda Simmons

Louisa Bermingham

P3 - Parent Rep Xiomara Maddocks
P4 - Parent Rep Melissa Darrell
 P5 - Parent Rep Veleka Eve
  P6 - Parent Rep Karimah Hollis
Teacher's Rep Winsome Place

Parental Involvement

Parental Involvement in Education

Research has demonstrated that when children know that there is at least one responsible adult who demonstrates tangible interest in their school life, their performance, behaviour and self-esteem grow.

Parental involvement in your child's education can mean:

It can also mean being a positive role model:

  • Being respectful and expect the same from your children
  • Being supportive of your child's school
  • Remaining calm
  • Using good manners
  • Attending school meetings and functions
  • Calling the teacher to check on the child's progress
  • Reading to your child
  • Checking homework every night
  • Discussing your child's progress with teachers
  • Limiting TV viewing on school nights

PTA Description

Brief Description of PTA Executive Board Positions

President     -    Establishes goals for the PTA, oversees the responsibility of each Executive member. Sets the agenda and acts as             chairperson for each executive and general meeting. Attends workshops and national meetings relating to the PTA.

Vice President    -    Assists the president with all of his/her responsibilities and is able to fulfill the role of the president in his/her absence.

Secretary      -     Records minutes of all meetings of the executive and general meetings. Prepares and circulates all correspondence as directed by the president.

Assistant secretary      -      Assists the secretary with all of his/her responsibilities and is able to fulfill the role of secretary in his/her absence

Treasurer      -      Is responsible for the accurate and detailed account of all monies received and paid out, preparation of reports and keeping of all relevant banking information. Reconciliation of all finances.

Assistant treasurer         -       Assists the Treasurer  with all of his/her responsibilities and is able to fulfill the role of Treasurer  in his/her absence.

Public Relations Officer     -      Acts as voice of the PTA and comes up with any new ideas which will promote the PTA.

Assistant Public Relations       -      Assists the PRO with duties of acting as voice of the PTA and comes up with any new ideas which will promote the PTA.

Social Committee Chairperson       -     Is responsible for preparing, overseeing and organizing all social events (including flyers and/or other necessary materials necessary for each function).

Assistant Social Committee Chairperson                               

Assists the Social Committee Chairperson      -      With all of his/her responsibilities and is able to fulfill the role of Social Committee Chairperson  in his/her absence.

Teacher Representative        -    Acts as a voice of the teachers to relay any new ideas or concerns to and from the Executive Board of the PTA.

Committee at Large       -       Eight members of the teacher/parental body who agree to support the PTA when called upon for any functions, social events, etc throughout the school  year.



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