PTA Executive Roles-
A member of the Executive Committee should attempt to attend all executive meetings. Remember, all information received regarding PTA is the property of the PTA. You are to maintain and update records and pass them on to your successor. To avoid misunderstanding and frustration for parents and the school when handling sensitive information, Executives cannot be used as an access point if a parent has not been able to sort out serious matters relating to students, teaching or contents of the syllabus in your class with the techer, they may get in touch with the teacher or school.
a) President
b) vice President
c) Recording Secretary
d) Correspondence Secretary
e) Treasurer
f) Assistant Treasurer
g) Entertainment Chair
Role Descriptions
the PTA president has the responsibility to lead the PTA.
Runs the PTA meetings, is the official representative to the PTA, speak on behalf of the PTA and support all the volunteers.
Regular tasks include creating and communicating meeting agendas, and attending Board meetings.
the President holds brainstorming sessions with a team of officers, making and asking for suggestions.
the President must be familiar with duties of each chairman.
The President sets goals with officers and chairmen to make plans for the year and progression goals.
The President overseas the overall PTA calendar and adherence to bylaws and procedures.
This is mainly by communicating and DELEGATING! The President should NOT do all the work!
Vice President
The Vice President supports the President and supports all the volunteers, also includes attending meetings when the President is unavailable
Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary will be the keeper of all the permanent records of the PTA.
- Record all business transacted at each meeting of the executive committee and present the minutes for approval at the next meeting.
- Minutes are to be forwarded to the President and Vice President for review within 7 days of the meeting.
- Records attendance, and maintains the records of all PTA and Executive Board meetings.
- Records all bills approved for payment and/or ratification.
Correspondence Secretary
Assist the PTA President and Recording Secretary throughout the year in writing correspondence and sending out meeting notes.
- Send out notices of executive committee, board, and other meetings.
- the corresponding secretary conducts the official correspondence of the PTA, unless assigned to another officer
- Correspondences are to be forwarded to the President & Vice President for review prior to being sent to the Principal for approval within 1 week.
- Keep a file of all correspondence.
Manage the budget, write the checks, balance the books, prepare documents for the auditor and present the monthly finance report to the PTA.
- The Treasurer takes and disburses the organization's funds.
- PTA's earn money through fundraising and the treasurer receives all the money. The PTA board decides where the money should go, and the treasurer makes sure the funds are given to the right people.
- the Treasurer keeps track of and manages the funds in the PTA's various accounts.
- the Treasurer prepares the annual expense report for filing and AGM.
Assistant Treasurer
To assist the Treasurer to manage the budget, write checks and balance the books.
Entertainment Chair
The Chair and member work with Executive members to create and coordinate various events for the students and school. The Entertainment Committee shall hold functions for the purpose of fostering good relations between the parents, teachers, students and friends of the school. Such functions may be fundraising.
- The Chair will be responsible to coordinate with the Entertainment Committee to facilitate all functions (i.e. Family Movie Night, Santa's Workshop,, Pizza Parties, Sport's Day, etc.)
- Responsible for knowing their budget allocation and requesting funds through the PTA process as necessary.
Entertainment Committee
2 or 3 members
To assist Entertainment Chair in co-coordinating and hosting events.
Parent Representative
2 Parent Reps per class
Purpose: Parent class representatives are important links for information and representation purposes, as well as contact points for parents. Parent class representatives are the first link in the chain to encourace parents into making a positive contribution to life as the school.
- Act as a resource to parents in your child's class when there is information to be disseminated.
- Foster a good working relationship with the teacher.
- ensure your child's classmates parents are aware that you are the class rep, how to get a hold of you and what role you will play.
- As class rep you may request that an item be placed on the PTA Executive agenda.
- Maintain a list of all the students in the class.
- Spread the word about PTA events and encourage parents to attend/volunteer (ask parents personally, if you can).
- Maintain regular contact with the classroom teacher about needs within the classroom, especially for volunteers for classroom readers, playground assistance, bake sales, class trips, etc.
- Attend PTA meetings and pas on any information you've learned with other parents who are unable to attend.
- Organize teacher presents at Christmas and end-of-year.
- Help teachers organize class bake sales and parties.
- The Parents' Association Committee will contact the Parent class representatives before each Education Board meeting for input of parents' questions on everyday matters and the school's educational projects.
- To avoid misunderstanding and frustration for parents and the school when handling sensitive information, Parent Reps cannot be used as a access point if a parent has not been able to sort out serious matters relating to students, teaching or contents of the syllabus in your class wit the teacher, they may get in touch with the teacher or school.
- Parent class representatives are elected by at the first parents' evening of the new school year.