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Beginning the 2020-2021 school year, Port Royal Primary will have a year-round student dress code.

Expectations – all students should attend school with clean, neat uniforms. Shoes must be polished, and shirts tucked in. Students’ hair must neatly groomed. Long hair, past shoulders, is to be tied back.  All students will be dressed according to expectations when representing the school both in and out of school e.g. field trips or sporting events.

Girls’ Year-Round Uniform

Dress – navy blue scooter skirt, tunic or skort. P6 girls may wear navy blue A-line skirts.

Shirt – plain white button down dress shirt, pointed collar. Short sleeves or long sleeves.

Socks – navy blue knee socks.

Tights – navy blue tights (plain, without design) if the weather is cold.

Jacket – navy blue windbreaker or navy blue blazer.

Shoes – dark brown or black shoes (polishable, sturdy, dress footwear). The thickness of the sole/heel is not to exceed 1 ½ inches. Two-tone shoes and recreational shoes are not acceptable.

School Tie – *available from Gibbons Company

Sweater – *navy cardigan available from Gibbons Company

Jewelry – may wear small gold or silver stud earrings, one in each ear; watches are acceptable. Any other jewelry may be subject to confiscation.

Hair Accessories – navy blue, white or clear ribbons, bobbles, barettes and headbands may be worn. Hair scrunchies with the school tie design can be purchased from English Sports Shop.

Make-up - may not be worn which includes nail polish, lip gloss, etc.

Boys’ Year-Round Uniform

Shorts/Trousers – dress-style khaki shorts/trousers (designed for school, not recreational purposes). No cargo shorts or pants with pockets on the sides.

Shirt – plain white button down dress shirt, pointed collar. Short sleeves or long sleeves.

Socks – khaki knee socks.

Jacket – navy blue windbreaker or navy blue blazer.

Shoes – dark brown or black shoes (polishable, sturdy, dress footwear). The thickness of the sole/heel is not to exceed 1 ½ inches. Two-tone shoes and recreational shoes are not acceptable.

School Tie – *available from Gibbons Company.

Sweater – *navy blue pullover available from Gibbons Company

Jewelry – may wear one small gold or silver stud earring; watches are acceptable. Any other jewelry may be subject to confiscation.


PE Uniform (Gym Kit)

PE uniform – shirt and short set – are available from Sidekicks in the Washington Mall. Track suits are also available from Sidekicks. Students will wear PE uniform to school on gym days (twice per week).

Socks – short white gym socks.

Sneakers – athletic sneakers in white, black, gray or blue. Multi-colored sneakers are unacceptable.

Sweatsuits and Track Suits – royal blue sweatsuits or school tracksuits (see above) only when the weather is cold. Sweat tops and track jackets should not be worn instead of a school sweater. *Any student who is representing Port Royal Primary in a sporting event must be dressed according to school expectations.


  • Students that are part of out of school clubs e.g. Brownies, Guides, Scouts may wear their uniforms to school with authorization of the school administrator.  Parents should request permission from the principal.
  • Attire worn on grub days should be appropriate and should not prohibit students from doing their normal activities.  Items not permitted include – clothing with obscenities or other inappropriate text, flip-flops, tube/spaghetti strap tops.  Leggings must be worn with a top that reaches the hips or lower.


NB! Nothing in the above shall prohibit a student from wearing a style of clothing or hair which is required as part of religious observances.  Where this is a deviation of requirements, the parents/guardian shall discuss the matter with the principal so that a mutually satisfactory arrangement may be agreed upon.  This arrangement shall be confirmed, in writing, by the principal.  Students who appear at school out of uniform without authorization shall be required to return home, provided that the principal contacts the parent who shall make appropriate arrangements for the care of the student.




(Revised June 2023)

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