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Our school discipline plan is based on the Ministry of Education Code of Conduct (2003), and we embrace the following core values:


· Be Respectful

· Be Responsible

· Be Safe

· Be Ready to Learn

 Positive behavior is recognized and rewarded on a regular basis. Rewards might include one or more of the following:

· Verbal praise

· Weekly Merit certificate

· Extra play time

· Student of the Month

· Tokens/House Points

· Choice Activity

· Grub Day

At Port Royal Primary, we believe that students have the right to a safe, respectful, caring and orderly learning environment. We also recognize that children need consistency and support in learning how to make appropriate choices, and to be accountable for their actions.


Student Responsibilities

· Respect for self, peers and adults.

· Respect and responsibility for school and personal property.

· Be prepared for all lessons and school activities.

· Play fairly and safely.

· Use kind and appropriate language.

If there are problems or conflicts at school, we believe in giving  students the opportunity to discuss the issues and become “problem solvers”.


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Part of the process of accepting responsibility for one’s actions is learning that there are consequences for inappropriate behavior. Depending on the behavior, consequences may include one or more of the following:


· Verbal warning

· Parent contact and/or conference

· Time out

· Loss of privileges

· Referral to Principal

· Detention

· Suspension

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