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UNIFORM               Uniform
· Boys are allowed grey shorts or long pants and girls may wear a navy scooter skirt all year round or a navy jumper for the Winter.  The only exception—P6 girls who are allowed to wear skirts or scooter skirt. 
· The school tie should be worn with all uniforms.                                                                             
· For those students wearing earrings only gold or silver studs are allowed.
· White sports socks should be worn with the P.E. kit.  The Spirit shirt is not the P.E. uniform.
  • Please ensure that ALL of your child’s belongings are clearly labeled with their name.  This includes—school  shirts, pants, sweaters, P.E.’s, lunch bags, etc.  Many items look alike and we want students to be able to identify their items.
  • We have had some rainy days and I’ve noticed that some students do not have their rain gear.  Please ensure that your child’s rain gear is packed in their bag each day.
We want to ensure the safety of our students.  Please be reminded of the following:-
  • Parents should drive into the gate and pull forward into one of the spots to drop off students.
  • Students should walk along the median, across the Panther crossing and along the side of the building to get to the line-up area.
  • Parents please do not pull into the parking lot area, or spots, as staff need to park for the beginning of their work day.  (We do place cones across the entry area to remind you not to drive into the main lot)
  • Do not allow children to run across the parking lot as we want to ensure their safety and avoid someone being hit by a reversing car.
  • We know that rainy days can be a challenge, but we do request that everyone is mindful of these procedures.
  • Please be respectful of staff if they redirect you. Thank you in advance.
  • Parents are not allowed to leave the school during the school day, unless a request from a parent/guardian has been received. Students will carry a permission slip when leaving the school for any reason during the day.  Upon the student's return, the office should be informed and the permission slip submitted for record-keeping purposes.
  • Parents/Guardians/Visitors - when entering the school during the school day please make your first stop the school office, where you will be asked to sign-in for the security and safety of our students.
HOMEWORK:   Homework
  • Your child will normally have homework every Monday—Thursday night.  Please ensure that your child completes their homework each night, you sign their homework each night, you review their spelling words daily and that they read to you (and you read aloud to them) each night.
  • On out of uniform days, please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed.  For girls wearing ‘leggings’ this means that they should wear a shirt or dress that at least reaches the hip level.  Boys need to ensure that pants are at their waist and that they are wearing a belt on uniform and out of uniform days.
CELL PHONES    Cell phones
  • Any cell phones used during the school day will be confiscated.  I would also encourage parents to check their child’s text messages and emails to monitor the content.
  • All students should have a quiet activity for the mornings.  This can include a book to read, drawing pad, puzzles, flash cards, coloring etc.  Please be advised that toys are not allowed and any kind of trading cards are not allowed.

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