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Students are to bring a packed lunch from home. All meals should contain any combination of the following:


 Water only. Sodas are not permitted; students are not encouraged to drink juice boxes, flavored water, or fruit juices in school.

 Hot Lunches are available on Fridays right now. More days may become available later on in the school year.

 Fresh fruit is best. Fruit roll ups and fruit snacks are not fruit.

 Yogurt is another healthy snack option.

 Main meal. The repeated consumption of Lunchables, canned foods, and microwave meals are not healthy to developing children. Students also do not have access to a microwave in school and therefore we request that no microwave meals be sent.

 Snacks such as candy, chips and chocolates are forbidden from being brought to school. Fresh veggies, a cookie, peanuts and popcorn are healthy snacks.

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