Class Feed
Please click the link and proceed t...
Please click the link and go direct...
Week 5 D5 Ordering and rounding dec...
Week 4 D5 Multiplying and dividing ...
Week 4 D3 Place value, multiplying ...
This is your test to complete the c...
MA08 - NUM01 Assignment 3Please log...
MA08 - NUM01 Assignment 2This assig...
Click the text to start video in po...
(MA08 - NUM01 Assignment 1)Please c...
Class rules and regulations
Please complete this worksheet in y...
Please download and save the attach...
Greetings! I am your Mathematics instructor, Mr. Pinder. I look forward to working with you, testing your limits and ensuring you become strong, capable and compassionate people.
This portal will give you direct access to your course's details, resources and assignments. I'm certain these resources will be utilized correctly and help you on your journey in the universe of Mathematics.
As you progress through school kindly "Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your school are the work of many generations. All this is put in your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honour it, add to it and one day faithfully hand it on to your children."
- Albert Einstein
Contact me via email here:
Zoom code: 450 478 1052 Click to go directly to the Zoom room.
Password: Pinder
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