Whitney Institute Middle School

Miss K. Swan
Tuesday, Sep 14, 2021

Kitchen Safety

Success Criteria: 

Students must create a Kitchen Safety Poster based on the six common accidents.

Give three accidents of each hazards and present to the class.





Week of September 20th -

Day 1 - 3

WALT discover six hazards that take place in the kitchen: cuts, burns, fires, slip & falls, electrical shocks and chemicals/poisons. 

  • Homework: Please copy and paste on the browser to open the link and submit as Homework.  DANGERS IN THE KITCHEN https://www.liveworksheets.com/4-dp361151cj

Click "FINISH"  and send to: keswan@moed.bm.

  • Group Activity: Research three ways to prevent hazard and create a PPT or an information board to share with the rest of the class.


Week of September 27th -

Day 1 - 3

  • Group Activity: Cont' research and generate three questions to ask their classmates: one true or false; one multiple choice (a, b, c) and one scenario.
  • Submit through Schoology in the file: "Kitchen Hazards and Questions".


Week of October 4th -

Day 1 & 2 -

  • Groups will present their findings of the specific hazards, the causes and how to prevent.

Day 3 -

  • In-class PPT Slide Kitchen Safety Poster Instructions and Rubric.


Week of October 11th-

Days 1, 2, and 3 -

  • In-class create their Kitchen Safety Poster.


Week of October 18th -

  • Kitchen Safety Theory Test
  • Kitchen Safety Poster/PPT Slide Presentations for final mid-term grade.



M1 Crimson -  Wednesday, October 20th

M1 Lavender - Wednesday, October 20th

M1 Bronze - Thursday, October 21st






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