West End Primary West End Primary Logo
West End Primary
Forward Together

An orderly climate is necessary for learning to occur and therefore the school has adopted policies and procedures to help create and maintain the type of learning environment in which each student can do his/her best.  Each member of the West End family must cooperate by adhering to the disciplinary code, which is both firm and fair.


General Rules

Students are expected to:

  1. Follow the directions given by any teacher
  2. Keep hands, feet and objects to themselves
  3. Walk quietly and quickly to class
  4. Enter the class quietly, stand, and wait for the teacher’s instructions
  5. Bring required materials for all classes
  6. Stand when an adult first enters the classroom
  7. Be courteous and kind to everyone
  8. Stand or sit quietly in their class line once they reach the assembly hall.
  9. Listen attentively to what is being said and/or read
  10. Conduct themselves appropriately at bus stops and while travelling on the bus to and from school
  11. Conduct themselves responsibly on the playing fields (of our school or any other) and during field trips, etc.

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