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Heggerty Phonological Awareness Program

Research shows that the two best predictors of early reading success are alphabet recognition and phonemic awareness.  In order for our preschoolers to be prepared for these tasks, they must first be able to hear and manipulate sounds.  This ability can indeed be trained through an auditory (hearing) training process.  With this in mind, all St. George's Preschool students will be participating in a 35 week Phonological Awareness Program. Each day, they are engaged in a ten minute lesson in which they work with manipulating sounds and sounds in words.  We also share the alphabet and nursery rhymes during this time as hearing, learning, and reciting Mother Goose Nursery rhymes are also proven to help young children take their first steps toward becoming proficient readers. 

Special Friend

Community Partner Sean Wainwright who is the head Carpenter and Shop Manager at Fort St. Catherine has donated his time and expertise to create a kid-sized scale for the students.  The children have already discovered many math concepts through the use of this large, hands-on manipulative.  Thank you so very much Mr. Wainwright!!

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