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Your child needs to be well in order to participate in our program. If a child comes to school when he/she is not well, he/she will be more vulnerable to infection and is likely to be infectious. It is therefore in the best interest of your child and others to keep your child at home when he/she is ill.

Please note:

 After a fever, your child’s temperature must be normal (98.6) for 24 hours before he/she returns to school.

 If your child is well enough to come to school, we will expect him/her to go outdoors for activities with his/her classmates.

 Teachers are not permitted to give “over the counter” medications to any child. Only prescription medication may be administered and only with your written authorization.

 Often children may ask to come to school even though they are ill. Please keep him/her at home despite their disappointment

 If your child becomes ill while at school and you are notified, please arrange for your child to be collected as soon as possible. We will not call unless your child needs to be at home or to see a doctor.

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