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M1 Cubs

Please find the vocabulary sheet on the topics covered so far. 

Use this strategy along with flashcards to memorize the spelling of the words:

1.LOOK. Look carefully at the word for 10 seconds.

2. SAY. Say the word to yourself or out loud to practice pronunciation.

3. COVER. Cover up the word when you feel you have learned it.

4. WRITE. Write the word from memory.

5. CHECK. Check your words against the original. If it is wrong, repeat the steps.yes

Bonne étude!wink


M2 Mufasas

Please find the vocabulary sheet on the topics covered so far. 

I have also attached the M1 Vocabulary sheets. You should go over the words you have learned on a regular basis as we are always building on what we already know.

Use this strategy along with flashcards to memorize the spelling of the words:

1.LOOK. Look carefully at the word for 10 seconds.

2. SAY. Say the word to yourself or out loud to practice pronunciation.

3. COVER. Cover up the word when you feel you have learned it.

4. WRITE. Write the word from memory.

5. CHECK. Check your words against the original. If it is wrong, repeat the steps.yes

Bonne étude!wink

M3 Lionshearts

Please find the vocabulary sheet on the topics covered so far. 

I have also attached the M1 & M2 Vocabulary sheets. You should go over the words you have learned on a regular basis as we are always building on what we already know.

Use this strategy along with flashcards to memorize the spelling of the words:

1.LOOK. Look carefully at the word for 10 seconds.

2. SAY. Say the word to yourself or out loud to practice pronunciation.

3. COVER. Cover up the word when you feel you have learned it.

4. WRITE. Write the word from memory.

5. CHECK. Check your words against the original. If it is wrong, repeat the steps.yes

Bonne étude!wink

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