Field Trips
Throughout the school year students at Purvis Primary will be taking advantage of Field Trips. These will be used to enhance the subject content the students will be learning.
Please know that the teachers will be taking the students on these field trips and may require some assistance from you, the parent, from time to time.
Also know that separate notes will come home with your child indicating the day and time they will take the trip, and if there are any funds that will be required.
Please fill out and sign the below form indicating whether your child has permission to travel with their class on these various field trips throughout the school year.
Field Trip Permission Slip
I __________________________________________________ give my child __________________________________ permission to travel with his/her class on the various field trips that will take place throughout the course of the school year.
I __________________________ do not give my child____________________ permission to travel with his/her class on the various field trips that will take place throughout the course of this school year.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________
Class: ______________ Date: _________________________