Whitney Institute Middle School

Mr. Lambe
Lets Stay Fit (No Equipment Needed)
WRITTEN BY Vernon Lambe III ON April 13, 2020

Lets Stay Fit (No Equipment Needed) 


There is no equipment needed to do these exercise just time and your will. Here are 3 at home workouts that you can do to help you stay in shape while indoors. Click on the workout you  would like to do:


30 Minutes of Daily Exerciseyes (I do not own the rights to this video)


20 Minutes of HARD Work! wink(I do not own the rights to this video)


10 Minutes of High Intensity!surprise (I do not own the rights to this video)


Challenge yourself and your family to continue to stay safe and in shape during these times.


(Extra Not Mandatory)

insta Follow @wims_athletics 

Instagram Challenge 

Post 15- 60 second videos on instagram tagging #wimsworkoutchallenge 

or send us your videos on @wims_athletics 

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