Whitney Institute Middle School

Mr. Richardson
Tuesday, Sep 21, 2021


M1 Social Studies

Mr Richardson

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021

Greetings students,


Please be advised that you are to:

  1. Download and print or
  2. Download to read

The Five Themes of Geography “A Study on the Island of Bermuda”

Read the ENTIRE document……

Line your notebook in Cornell Notes form: Copy the notes below into your notebooks after viewing this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1afrDnnyt4&t=59s

Topic: Geography

WALT: - Explain the relationship between Bermuda’s human, physical and environmental geography and the five (5) themes of geography.

Success Criteria:

  • Define geography as the study of the earth’s surface and its people
  • Define physical geography as the study of the earth’s surface
  • Recall human geography as a branch of geography that focuses on the systemic study of patterns and processes that shape human interaction with the environment
  • Recall environmental geography is the branch of geography that describes the spatial aspects of interactions between humans and the natural world.
  • Recognize that PLACE as physical geography and an element of the 5 Themes of Geography
  • Recognize LOCATION as physical geography and an element of the 5 Themes of Geography used to determine absolute and relative location
  • Recognize REGION as physical geography and an element of the 5 Themes of Geography
  • Recognize MOVEMENT as human geography and an element of the 5 Themes of Geography
  • Recognize HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION as environmental geography and an element of the 5 Themes of Geography


Answers and notes

What is geography?



List the types/branches of geography?


What does the acronym MRHELP stand for?

Geography is the study of the earth’s surface and its people.


1. Physical

2. Human

3. Environmental



R- region

H- human

E- environment Interaction

L- location

P- place


Summary: write what you have gained from completing this lesson in this space


Thursday, September 23rd, 2021


Success Criteria: Define physical geography as the study of the earth’s surface.


Find a video on Physical Geography and then write your opinion is in one paragraph.



Friday, September 2th, 2021

Review ALL notes for quiz on Monday




Monday, September 27th, 2021

Quiz on Kahoot!




Name __________________              Class: M1                         Date: September 28th, 2021

  Week 3

Learning Intention: WALT: explain the three branches of geography.

Success criteria:

• Define geography as the study of the Earth surface and its people

• Define physical geography as the study of the earth's surface

• Recall human geography as a branch of geography that focuses on the systematic

study of patterns and processes that shape human interaction with the environment

• Recall environmental geography is the branch of geography that describes the spatial

aspects of interactions between humans and the natural world.

Video: edpuzzle.com use class code


(Teacher or student generated)



1. What is Physical Geography?





2. What is Human Geography?



3. What is Environmental Geography?








(Student generated)



Physical geography is the study of natural things on Earth not created by man. Example: beaches, bays, coves, hills, mountains, lakes, oceans, etc.




Human geography is the study of man-made things. For example; roads, cities, buildings, etc.




Environmental geography is the study of the relationship between humans and the environment. Example: pollution (Belco)



Summary in bullet point or paragraph (Student-generated)



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