Character Counts Week
West End Primary School will be celebrating Character Counts Week on Monday October 14, until Friday October 18. During this important event the students will be involved in a number of activities that encourage and enhance positive character traits such as: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship.
Here are activities that you child can participate in during Character Counts week:
- Monday – Trustworthiness and Citizenship (wear blue socks and or hat or purple socks and or hat with school uniform).
- Tuesday – Responsibility (wear green socks and or hat with school uniform).
- Wednesday – Caring (wear red socks and or hat with school uniforms).
- Thursday – Fairness and Respect – (wear orange socks and or hat or yellow socks and or hat with school uniform).
- Friday – each class will wear the color trait that they are representing.
- P1 Trustworthiness (Blue attire)
- P2 Respect (Yellow attire)
- P3 Responsibility (Green attire)
- P4 Caring (Red attire)
- P5 Fairness (Orange attire)