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Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to our new site!

Please be patient while we get everything settled.

Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to our new site!

Please be patient while we get everything settled.



Please be patient while we get everything settled.

Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to our new site!

Please be patient while we get everything settled.

Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to our new site!

Please be patient while we get everything settled.

Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to our new site!

Please be patient while we get everything settled.

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Welcome to our new site

Welcome to our new site

We hope you find it nice

Welcome to our new site

Welcome to our new site

We hope you find it nice

Welcome to our New Site
Welcome to our New Site

We are still fixing things! Please be patient with us. Thank you

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Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
PTA Meeting October 15th at 6pm

Our VISION is… to become a MODEL primary school, as EDUCATIONAL PIONEERS of students who achieve HIGH STANDARDS and who serve their community with PRIDE.

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Principal - Ms. Kennelyn Smith -

Deputy Principal - Ms. Jennifer Roberts-

Counselors - Mr. Menelik Rudo - & Ms. Tanya Tucker-Simmons



8:30pm - 3:30pm (P1-P2 dismissed at 3:00pm & P3-P6 dismissed at 3:30pm)


10:30am-10:45am Lower School (Primary 1 - 6)


12:00pm - 1:00pm  Upper School (Primary 1 - 6)

Calendar of Events

Victor Scott School

Schedule of Events 2023


Note:  All dates and events are subject to change

October                          Virtue of The Month: Open-Mindedness

Wed. 9th  Field Hockey Festival  - Girls   

Thurs. 10th   

Field Hockey Festival  - Boys

Fri. 11th PTA Grub Day $2  

Tues. 15th  

PTA Meeting

Fri. 18th  School Grub Day $2  

Mon 21st - 25th  

School Close


Mon. 28th 

Welcome Back Staff and Students



November                    Virtue of The Month: Loyalty

Fri. 1st                            School Grub Day $2  

Thurs. 7th   

Committee of 25 - Denim Day $2


Fri. 8th   

No School - Professional Learning Day


Mon. 11  

Remembrance Day - School Close


Fri. 15th  

PTA Grub Day $2 

Mon. 18 - 22

Parent Week 

Tues. 19th 

PTA Meeting 

Fri. 22nd 

Continental Society of Bermuda - Wear Red Grub Day 2$ 

Fri. 29th 

PTA Grub Day $2



In conjunction with Healthy Schools Program Victor Scott is practicing healthy eating habits every day.  Please send only healthy snacks with water daily and a TRASH FREE LUNCH.

Posted Thursday, January 20, 2022
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Updated: 3/23/25 12:55 PM

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