Good afternoon!
The P6 team have been busy brainstorming for ways we can continue to work with your children in the event that school closures take effect.
At present, we are focusing on ways to deliver curriculum and provide practice and feedback using our current suite of online activities. We are pleased to let you know that we have added to the IXL platform, which now includes literacy and science information. Not all of it is directly linked to our curriculum, but we will let you know specific assignments, or you can use your parent access to the Cambridge Curriculum to check if it is something they need. Of course, assignments on Dreambox, Method Math and Spelling/Vocabulary City continue, as does Achieve3000. We will be looking to expand the writing components of the latter two as soon as possible.
Please, if you have not already done so, make sure you are registered on Powerschool. It is critical that you follow your child’s learning journey in order to understand their progress. Let us know if you do not know how to get onto Powerschool – there is an app for your phone that will let you know whenever your child has an assignment or assessment scored. Please read the information about the assignment/assessment to understand how the score works. Scores are NOT the same as percentages. We will also be working to upload assignments to the Powerschool (Unified Classroom) site and let you know once this is accomplished
Best regards,
The P6 Team
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